Health Equity Timeline
The Communities Count Health Equity Policy Timeline provides context for data on health inequities in King County. There are many disparities in King County among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and other communities experiencing systemic disadvantage. The timeline spans a range of years from pre-colonial to present-day King County, highlighting significant policies and events that have impacted these communities. While the timeline focuses on policies and events that harmed people of color and other systemically disadvantaged communities, we also call attention to acts and movements of resilience in which communities mobilized against systemic racism and harm.
This timeline is not meant to be a comprehensive history of all communities in King County. However, it is a starting place for us to understand how systemic exclusion has impacted the health and wellbeing of communities. We are grateful to the many community members who have worked to document and share these histories, as well as those that gave us feedback and guidance on this project. If you would like to share your feedback, please contact us at
We hope King County communities can use this as a resource for looking at a snapshot of history to put into perspective the health disparities that exist today, while also bringing to light the ways local communities have shown strength in the face of historically exclusive policies impacting health equity. To read more about the history and communities covered in this timeline, please see our Suggested Reading and Resource Page.
To view the timeline in spreadsheet format and links to sources, please click here.
Many thanks to Jerry Garcia, Josh Reid, Ronald Chew, Marguerite Ro, and Nadine Chan who took the time to give us feedback and guidance on this project.
Last updated: March 28, 2023