Community needs during the COVID-19 outbreak
By Nicole Turcheti and Jan Capps
Photo by Retha Ferguson from Pexels
The COVID-19 outbreak and some response measures put in place to keep Washingtonians healthy, such as social distancing and closure of businesses, have affected communities’ ability to meet their basic needs. The impact is especially acute in communities of color, due to longstanding inequities they already experienced prior to the outbreak.
To better understand the needs of King County residents, particularly in communities of color, Public Health Seattle & King County staff interviewed 16 people that have been providing services and supporting our community in the course of the COVID-19 epidemic. We asked them what were the needs of individuals and families that had emerged or been exacerbated with COVID-19. Community advocates from the following organizations and groups shared their time, their knowledge and their stories with us: Africatown, African American Maternal and Infant Health Community Action Plan Workgroup, Asian Counseling and Referral Services, Center for MultiCultural Health, Crew Leadership, The Church Council of Greater Seattle, Healthy King County Coalition, The Vine Seattle, International Community Health Services, Living Well Kent, Potlatch Fund, Public Health Seattle & King County, Seattle Indian Health Board, Southwest Youth and Family Services, Urban Impact, Wallingford United Methodist Church, and Within Reach.
It is important to note that these consultations took place in early May 2020, and thus precede the nationwide uprising that followed the killing of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis. The needs that were discussed then may have been impacted by what the Black community and our community at large have been experiencing in the last weeks.
What follows is a compilation of the perspectives that these sixteen community advocates have shared with us, organized by the seven topics below.
Scroll down or click on the topics below to learn more about needs in our community