Data for King County
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Education indicators include data related to Early Education, 3rd/4th Grade Progress, 9th/10th Grade Progress, On-Time Graduation, Population Differences, and Youth Engagement.
Family & Community indicators include data related to child care affordability, emotional support for parenting, reading, singing and telling stories, child abuse and neglect, voter registration and voter turnout, supportive neighborhoods, and teen marijuana use.
Food indicators include data related to food insecurity/hardship, access to food, and food assistance.
Health indicators include data related to alcohol, disability, health insurance, infant mortality, obesity, physical activity, adolescent birth rate, tobacco, depression among teens, substance use among teens, frequent mental distress (adults), and current marijuana use.
Housing indicators include data related to affordability, owning and renting, foreclosures, and student homelessness.
Income indicators include data related to mean/median income, living wage, poverty and national wealth trends.
Population indicators include data related to population estimates, and demographics.
Safety indicators include data related to carrying weapons at school, homes with guns, and not feeling safe at school.
Transportation indicators include data related to commute mode of transportation and trends by mode of transportation.

Community Focus

New Health Equity Timeline Contextualizes Health Disparities: Health inequities experienced today stem from histories that have impacted communities’ determinants of health. The new Health Equity Timeline features over 80 significant policies and events in King County that speak to the marginalization and resilience of systemically disadvantaged communities.

Data Spotlight

Updated data on the Impact of Firearms in King County show an increase in firearm violence among King County residents: Gun violence continues to pose a critical public health issue in King County, affecting not only those injured or killed but also the wider community impacted by the trauma of firearm incidents. Public Health – Seattle & King County has launched an updated firearm injury data dashboard, providing accessible, comprehensive data to inform strategies for policy, prevention, and public awareness. By examining and sharing this data, the community takes an essential step toward understanding and addressing the impact of firearm violence.


Empowering Through Data: A Closer Look at Black Community Health: In 2020, King County declared racism a public health crisis, highlighting its harmful impact on the health of Black residents. However, there was no centralized source for Black community health data. Communities Count collaborated with the Black Community Equity Team and Black Providers Network to develop an infographic tailored to the needs of the Black community. This resource aims to make health information accessible, engaging, and impactful for both community members and partners.


Build your Data Skills with Communities Count!

In partnership with Communities of Opportunity, Communities Count is offering free data and evaluation workshops for community based organizations in King County.

Learn more on our trainings and resources page!


About communities count

Communities Count is a resource that provides data to support equity work and monitor the health and well-being of King County communities.

Communities Count emphasizes prevention and a long-term view of change while using data to understand how to build and sustain healthy communities and families.

Read about our latest work in our 2024 Annual Report.


On Communities Count, find King County Data You can use

Click on our data topics section to see interactive data dashboards with key findings on health, education, food, housing and much more…


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